Welcome to San Gabriel Valley Alliance Church (SGVAC)!
My name is Rev. Peter Wong, acting leading pastor of this church. We are a Bible-believing church and hold services in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin, affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) in the USA. Rev. John Y. Wong, guided by the Spirit of God, established the first Chinese Alliance Church in Southern California in October 1969. When the influx of Chinese immigrants was on the rise, a decision was made to outreach the non-Christians in the region. Therefore, in 1979, San Gabriel Vally Alliance Church was born. During the following years, the church had relocated to different cities to seek for church rental to conduct Sunday Services and other Gospel activities. In 1995, a miraculous blessing from God propelled the congregation to move forward in faith to purchase the church building in the City of Arcadia. It has become a sanctuary of God for people to come to receive Jesus Christ and His promise of everlasting life.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of our church services and activities are being held virtually in order to keep you and our staff safe.
We invite you to check our meeting schedules on our website. We wholeheartedly welcome you to join us online. Our church leaders would like to extend a personal invitation to connect with you through a phone call, video/online meeting (e.g., Face-time, Google Meet, or Zoom), or via text messages during this critical time as we continue to ensure safety for all. Please give us a call or leave a message so we can connect with you. We also welcome you to join any of our church activities.
Thank you for visiting us.
May God bless you and your stay in our SGVAC family!
Rev. Peter Wong, D Min.